7 Ways to Learn Latin Dancing In Toronto

Latin dancing is a fun filled experience that should be experienced by all. Most of these dance forms are fast paced dance performed to rhythmic beats of percussions and clave. There is a lot of footwork involved in these dance forms. Perfect postures, sensuality, attitude and prominent hip movements are some of the characteristics of Latin dancing. If you want to master this wonderful form of dance, here are 8 tips for you.

Join a good Latin dance class

This tip seems like a no-brainer, but it is actually not. Lots of people try and pick up Latin dancing from television and Internet videos rather than paying up for a class. While videos can help you learn the dance on a particular song, they cannot teach you the basics such as counting beats, the off-beat pause, postures, precise hip movements, the legwork and all such basic building blocks of Latin dances.

Don’t stick to one partner

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Once you pick up the basics, try out with different partners. Every person has a unique way of performing the dance. So, you learn to be a versatile Latin dancer.

Practice in front of a mirror

In Latin dancing, postures are crucial. Your upper body needs to be erect, shoulders pulled back and the arm movements vary from one Latin dance form to another. In order to get it right, dance in front of a full length mirror and observe yourself critically while you perform.

Observe the masters of Latin dance

This is where you can use videos on television and the Internet. Once you pick up the basics, see how the masters of Latin dancing use them. Watch how quickly their feet move. You can also pick up new steps because every dancer comes up with steps of his or her own.

Let go and relax

Latin dancing is all about fun and enjoyment. It is about indulgence in the dance. So, let go of your inhibitions and shyness. Relax completely, get into the mood to groove and bring on the attitude. One good way of achieving this is to visit salsa clubs, parties and social gatherings where there is a lot of Latin dancing. You can organize a Latin dance party at home and have a lot of fun.

Make it a part of your everyday routine

If you want to truly master the dance form, you need to throw yourself into it. So, keep those feet moving when you are in the shower, cooking or brushing your teeth. Practice counting beats when you walk. You can get a good amount of practice by making use of such times in your everyday routine.

Become an instructor for your friends

No, not professionally. However, teach them the basics. This is really helpful because it gives you a different perspective of thinking about the technical aspects of dance. While you teach, you also realize and learn a lot of things. Teaching can be a profoundly thought provoking learning experience for you.